The key objective of the trade partnership is the creation of a
deep Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area, which aims at removing barriers to trade and investment between both the EU and Southern Mediterranean countries and between the Southern Mediterranean countries themselves. Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements are in force with most of the partners (with the exception of Syria and Libya).
The scope of these agreements is essentially limited to trade in goods and a number of bilateral negotiations are on-going or being prepared in order to deepen the Association Agreements. These ongoing or future negotiations are
related to further liberalisation of trade in agriculture, liberalisation of trade in services, accreditation and acceptance of industrial products and regulatory convergence.
Source: European Commission
The EU and its Mediterranean neighbors are creating an area of
shared prosperity through industrial cooperation via the
Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (Euro-Med).
As part of the cooperation, EU and Mediterranean industry ministers meet at regular intervals to take stock of progress, decide on future priorities, and
adopt a multi-annual work programme. On 19 February 2014, they adopted a
declaration outlining priority work areas for the years ahead.